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Plik Author Guidelines  zawierający wytyczne redakcyjne jest dostępny w wersji pdf tutaj oraz poniżej. 

Plik The Statement of originality of the article and ghostwriting prevention będący oświadczeniem oryginalności tekstu jest dostępny w wersji pdf tutaj.


Articles submitted to the journal should not be submitted elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material under copyright (see the ‘Ghostwriting’ and ‘Statement for authors’ files on http://hemispheres.iksiopan.pl/index.php/en/for-authors).

Articles must be in English or French (in exceptional cases Arabic and German are also approved).

The article should begin with an abstract of up to 100 words, followed by five to eight keywords that should describe the article’s main arguments and conclusions.

 Manuscript length should be between 30,000 and 40,000 characters (including the main text, footnotes, reference section and spaces), in 12-point Times New Roman font, with ample margins on all sides.

The entire manuscript must be 1½-spaced and numbered consecutively.

The title, the author’s name, institutional affiliation and ORCID numbers (14-point font) should be at the top of the first page in such an order.



ORCID number (obligatory).

The main body text can be divided into paragraphs/subchapters and its names should be written bold and centred, with 1 blank line space between different subchapters and its names. Including the “Conclusions” section is also recommended. 

After copyediting and final proofing, the text, in an electronic format, shall be sent to the Author for approval. After revisions and clarifications (if necessary) the text must be submitted to the Editor as soon as possible.

References and the style of in-text citation should conform with the following examples:


Bibliographical references should follow a modified Harvard system. Longer references or commentaries should be given in the footnotes.

Please use en dash to indicate ranges, e.g. 64–67.

IN-TEXT REFERENCES: please not use bottom references, only in-text references.

A short quotation (under two lines), should be within the body of the text and in quotation marks. If reference is at the end of the phrase it should be put into parentheses.


There is still a labelling issue when it comes to flavourings in food, it is noted that, “flavours such as vanillin which occur naturally in food are called ‘nature–identical’. The label does not have to state where it comes from.” (Wilson, 2009, pg. 257).

If the quote is more than two lines, then it should be presented as a new paragraph which is preceded by a colon and indented from the rest of the text. You do not need to use quotation marks, e.g.

Other aspects of sharī‘a, such as those dealing with the rights of religious minorities, women’s rights, and human rights in general, also need to be revised and reconsidered. Contextualisation of the Qur’ānic stipulation and examination of its linguistic and stylistic structure – as discourse – would reveal that the jurists’ work was basically to unfold the meaning of such stipulation and to re-encode this meaning in various social contexts (Abū Zayd, 2006, pg. 95). 

Paraphrasing is strongly recommended.

All works cited in the paper must be listed in a reference section at the end of the paper.

REFERENCE SECTION (a modified Harvard system): it has to be a separate part after the text, DOI is necessary in case of journals.


Abaza, Mona. 2020. Cairo Collages. Everyday Life Practices After the Event. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Book chapters

Abu-‘Uksa, Wael. 2015. ‘Liberal Renewal of the Turath: Constructing the Egyptian Past in Sayyid al-Qimni’s Works’, in: Hatina, Meir and Schumann, Christoph (eds.) Arab Liberal Thought after 1967. Old Dilemmas, New Perceptions. New York–Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101–117. 

Edited volumes

Burkhalter, Thomas; Dickinson, Kay and Harbert, Benjamin J. (eds.). 2013. The Arab Avant-Garde. Music, Politics, Modernity. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press.

Theses and dissertations

Rahman, Yusuf. 2001. ‘The Hermeneutical Theory of Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd. An Analytical Study of His Method of Interpreting the Qur’ān’. Ph.D. thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.    

Journal Article (Print)

Najjar, Fauzi M. 2000.  ‘Islamic Fundamentalism and the Intellectuals: The Case of Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd’. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 27(2), pp. 177–200.

Journal Article (with a DOI)

Abdul-Rahman, Rostam. 2017. ‘Demythologizing the Qur’an. Rethinking Revelation Through Naskh al-Qur’an’. Global JournalAl-Thaqafah, 7(2), pp. 51–78. DOI:10.7187/GJAT122017-2.

Articles in newspapers

Borger, Julian. 2002. ‘US soldiers die in Afghan battle’. The Guardian, London, 5 March 2002: 1.

Electronic article on a thematic website

Gana, Nour. 2011. ‘Rap Rage Revolt’. Jadaliyya, available at:  http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/2320/rap-rage-revolt (Accessed: 11 January 2022).

Web pages and Websites

Al-Daif, Rashid. 2021. Rashid al-Daif’s Biography. Available at: http://www.rachideldaif.com/biography/ (Accessed: 1 January 2022).

Non-English Sources (translations of the titles in brackets)

Lipczak, Aleksandra. 2020. Lajla znaczy noc [Layla Means Night]. Cracow: “Karakter”.  

Translations of non-English Sources

Tokarczuk, Olga. 2021. The Books of Jacob. Translated by Jennifer Croft, London: Fitzcarraldo Editions.

TRANSLATION: ISO scientific translation (e.g. in the so-called Brill version) of phrases in Oriental languages, written in non-Latin alphabets (e.g. Arabic, Persian, Hebrew), is welcome, but a simplified translation of these languages into English is also approved. Please do not use special fonts. 

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