The Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal “Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies” invites authors to submit articles to its newest issue (39/2024).
Manuscripts should be submitted to the e-mail address: by the 15th of September 2024.
We especially encourage papers related to contemporary cultural and ethnographic research on all the areas of the Middle East, Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa. In thematically and methodologically justified cases, Central Asian, South Asian, and East Asian Islamic cultures and societies can also be covered as well as Muslim societies in Europe or the diaspora. Different researches on Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and other religions and systems of beliefs in the aforementioned areas, as well as articles on reformist, conservative trends, and transformations within the three monotheistic religions, are welcome. We also kindly invite all researchers of Asian and African popular culture(s) in its manifold forms (music, cinema, street art, Internet art, popular literature, contemporary urban studies).
The editorial board will take into consideration original scientific articles and book reviews.
Texts should be written in English or French (Arabic and German are also permitted in special cases) and prepared in accordance with the editorial instructions (details are here).